Extended Reality Interactions

This page describes our research activities related to Extended Reality Interactions

Mid-air Interactions

Using methods of extended reality, users can now interact with tools and items that are projected mid-air either to complete activities of daily living (e.g., choosing the desired computer icons) or to perform professional duties (e.g., technical drawing in 3D).

Effective throughput is frequently used as a dependent variable to compare user performance in different devices. The most critical aspect of effective throughput is combining speed, precision, and accuracy in one variable, independent of the speed-accuracy trade-off. Our motivation is to improve motor performance in eye-hand coordination training systems with remote virtual and augmented reality systems.

These interactions are also tested with multi-modal sensory information – with visual, auditory, and haptic information combined in novel modalities and scenarios.

Mid-air Drawing

Designing 3D entities through 2D monitors or screens might be very challenging to visualize and create. Immersive VR headsets allow users to draw directly in a 3D environment approaching more realistic and simplified user experience.

Our activities of research consist of investigating the complexity of allowing users to draw entities in mid-air in a 3D virtual environment, studying the cognitive load created on users, and comparing the user performance while using different input devices.

Virtual Training Platforms

There are many areas where training novice users for a new task can be time-demanding, expensive, challenging, or even harmful for the trainees. Turning to virtual environments for such training sessions might be a great solution to overcome these drawbacks. The level of realism and immersiveness might play an important role in the efficacy of the learning curve. In addition, using virtual tools might also allow us to adjust the level of assistance and/or disturbance given to the user to simulate different environments or situations.

Our activities of research consist of modeling human behavior as experts perform a certain task, modeling it around a virtual training algorithm to be visualized either through VR or AR environments, and validating the learning performance of novice users for the task.

Visualization Methods

One of the biggest advantages of using extended reality tools is that the designers can choose the level of realism and visualization abilities. In certain applications, users might have an advanced performance when additional information is visually provided that does not exist in a real-life scenario. However, in other applications, users might prefer to visualize or interact with more realistic entities.

Our activities of research consist of creating various applications with different visual modalities of virtual tools and of comparing these virtual tools to 3D-printed real items.

Funded Projects

2022 – 2025 El-Göz Koordinasyonu Uygulamalarında Etkin Verimin Kullanıcı Motor Performansını Artırmak için Uzaktan Kullanımı.

•Destek Kaynağı: TUBITAK Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı (1001)

2023 – 2024 Sanal Gerçeklik Uygulamaları Üzerinde Kullanılacak Göz-Bakış Davranışlarının Girdi ve Değerlendirme Metotları.

•Destek Kaynağı: TUBITAK Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı — Hizli Destek (1002)

We are currently searching for graduate-level students to join our studies!